Wednesday, August 26, 2009


The truth about...was the initial concept that I was going with. Although this was the first concept it was still a blank slate until now. one point in my life I can honestly say I thought my life was going to be pretty designed. I recall my master plan....leave my surly little town....high tail it to the 'big little city'....get that high paying degree...and then have that decorated life.....

The great career, loving husband, beautiful house, and wonderful healthy children. And during all this time it never occurred to me that I wouldn't get everything I wanted. I always had. I was the lucky one. Two loving parents....a fun younger brother....great extended family. The works.

But, I digress, I did almost get everything I wanted. The great career, loving husband (he's a work in progress...but I guess they all are), beautiful house,'s the problem... no children. Now many of you would is that a problem....stay tuned. I will catch you up.

Yesterdays included a lot of planning and hoping. Is hoping wrong? Is planning wrong? What ever happened to days like watching The Cosby Show or hanging out in the woods behind your house or neighborhood. I recall being able to get with the other neighborhood kids and enjoy playing in the undiscovered and unused land behind our neighborhood. No worries of pedophiles or lunatics lurking around the corner. We would all play together, boys and girls, with our little brothers and sisters and have a ball. I remember Yesterdays. I remember the unassuming questions of reality. The fairy land world of hope. I remember growing up in a surly little town known as home of the KKK, but rarely experiencing racism. I remember thinking my father and mother would live forever. I remember looking at my grandmother thinking she would never be truly old. I remember.....hope, faith, and unassuming doubt that I would get everything I wanted. I am still working on that. I am now trying to work on keeping faith and hope.

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